High School Title 1 Survey
Farwell High School is dedicated to providing a quality education for every student in our District. Your comments and concerns are very important, since they influence the direction programs will take in the future.
Title 1 I am kept well informed of the activities at the school.

Academic Progress I received clear information regarding my child's academic progress.

Visitation How often do you visit with your child's teacher?

Communication What is/are the best way(s) to communicate with you and your family? (click all that apply)

Participation What limits your participation in your child's school activities, meetings, or conferences? (click all that apply)

Meeting Attendance When would it be most convenient for you to attend meetings?

Preference Time Which day of the week is best for you to meet?

Annual Attendance Have you attended a school Title I Annual Parent Meeting?

School Parent Compact Are you familiar with the School Parent Compact?

Planning Involvement Were you involved in the planning of the Campus Parent Involvement Policy and School Parent Compact?

Safety Do you feel your child is safe at school?

Consideration of Opinion School staff considers my opinion when it comes to decisions concerning my child.

Parent Friendly The school is parent-friendly.

Volunteer Parents and volunteers have opportunities to become involved in activities that support the instructional program.

Training Parents are provided training and encouraged to work with their children at home.

Encouragement Teachers show caring and encouragement when working with students and pay attention to student interests, problems, and success, both in and out of the classroom.

Recognition Students are provided recognition for success.

Feedback Students are provided with immediate and specific feedback and are continuously monitored and assessed (tested).

Facilities Physical facilities provide a secure, clean, and attractive setting where the emphasis is on academic achievement.

Future Programs What type of training/progams would you like for the school to provide for parents?

Comments Please share any comments or suggestions here: